
Bhagwati Khadka

We establish Nepal Women Wrestling Foundation to empower and development of women's wrestling, self-defense for women's protection, and to recognize Nepal worldwide via the Nepal Women Wrestling Foundation, for each and every woman of Nepal we want to make them self-motivated. 

The increasing complexity of social issues is placing a greater burden not only on governments but also on individuals. Many people now feel that it is not possible to solve these problems by relying on public services alone.

Nepal Women Wrestling Foundation's most valuable asset is the network of people for the Wrestling and organizations that we have created through our activities over the past 9 years.

Our priority is solving actual problems on the ground and incrementing women's empowerment. We engage in lively discussions with nonprofit organizations, corporations, governments, international organizations, researchers, and volunteers to arrive at possible solutions and to initiate and implement projects for women wrestling.

Nepal Women Wrestling Foundation strives to apply the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over the years, and in cooperation with others, works to solve the issues that confront our society today.

Bhagwati Khadka
